Withdrawing Using Multisig - DCS Vaults

This guide is only applicable to users who:

  • Invested in a Dual Currency product

  • Used a multisig wallet

  • Are withdrawing native ETH -- meaning you're withdrawing your ETH deposit, or withdrawing ETH after a currency conversion event

Step 1: Connect Your Multisig Wallet to the Ethereum Network

Go to app.cega.fi and select 'Connect'. Ensure you are connected to the Ethereum network.

Step 2: Go to Your Portfolio

Select 'Portfolio' from the top navigation bar. On this page, you will see a section titled 'Investments and Assets Idle' below the investment summary.

Step 3: Withdraw Your ETH

If you have an ETH balance available for withdrawal, the button 'WITHDRAW ALL' will be available to select. Click this button to initiate the withdrawal.

Step 4: Execute Multisig Signatures

While waiting for confirmations and signatures, you will see 'WITHDRAWING ALL…'. The button will continue to display this message until the withdrawal is complete.

Last updated